Thursday, June 6, 2013

I've got some new responsibilities

I was appointed Section Head for the Cloud Computing & Data Analytics (CCDA) section in April. At the same time, I was also given the post of Cluster Chair for the Analysis & Design cluster, which is part of CCDA. Since I am relatively new to the organization, I really appreciate my bosses' confidence in my abilities. It does feel like I've been thrown into the deep end a little bit, but I am eager to take up the challenge. Besides, how bad can the deep end be?

The deep end.
So now I find myself with a bunch of new responsibilities. For example:
  • We've just announced two new specializations, namely Cloud Computing and Data Analytics, and both of them fall under CCDA. I need to make sure the new modules for these specializations are properly designed and taught, and the first new modules may be offered as early as next April.
  • Of course, I also have to ensure the smooth delivery of existing modules under the Analysis & Design cluster (there are currently eight of them).
  • To achieve the above, I need to identify and assign lecturers for each module. If required, I must also arrange for them to receive training so that they keep their skills current. This probably requires a more sophisticated system than drawing names out of a hat.
All this really cuts into the time I have to goof off. It's now much harder to justify spending time at work playing games or watching youtube videos (um, not that I do those things anyway. Um.). Or updating my blog. Yeah, I'm making excuses for not updating this blog for weeks (sorry).

On the other hand, I suddenly find myself in charge of all the lecturers in my section because the Section Head is also the Reporting Officer (RO) for everyone in the section. I'm now the guy who will help decide their teaching duties, approve their leave, and conduct performance evaluations that could greatly affect their bonuses and promotion prospects. So... much... power! I won't let it go to my head, I promise.

Kneel, minions.
While I'm thrilled to be given these responsibilities, I have a problem. Even though I've been here for a year, I haven't had a chance to work directly with many of the people in my section. When you're not in the same teaching team or committee with someone, there isn't much to do besides say "good morning" as we pass each other in the corridors. Furthermore, every single one of the lecturers under my charge have been at ICT longer than I have, and some of them have been here much longer. At this point, the only things they know about me are (a) I've got a PhD; (b) I'm nuts about board games; and (c) I'm now, suddenly, their boss.

This problem has to be rectified as soon as possible. I have to get to know them well enough to make informed decisions about task allocations, and they have to get to know me well enough to feel comfortable about approaching me if they have issues or suggestions. To that end, I have organized a section meeting next week to break the ice.

And it will be an all-you-can-eat buffet lunch at a 5-star hotel restaurant sponsored by yours truly.

In case you're wondering, yes, I'm trying to get into their good graces by bribing them with food. I'm working under the premise that one is more inclined to listen to one's new boss if he's just filled your tummy with yummy out of his own pocket; after all, this tactic will work with me, but maybe that's because I'm a greedy pig. Oh, and I also invited my own RO to this shindig because a little brown-nosing to improve my own bonuses and promotion prospects doesn't hurt.

People management.
My plan is to get everyone comfortable and relaxed and chatting. Come dessert, when everyone is chilling out over ice cream and chocolate fondue, I'll start the meeting proper by giving a bit of a speech that can be pretty much summarized as "I'm a nice guy, help me out, pretty please?" I will apologize in advance for bugging everyone with lots of silly questions and clarifications in the near future since it will take me some time to familiarize myself with all the modules under my charge. In the meantime, I will defer to their expertise in terms of how the modules are delivered, and I won't be making any huge sweeping changes just for the heck of it (so no, I won't be insisting on open-book exams for all modules). On the other hand, if anyone has any ideas to improve the modules, I'll certainly consider them.

I will also appeal for everyone's help to make the launching of the Cloud Computing and Data Analytics specializations a success. In particular, we need to send staff out to receive training in these relatively new fields so that there are enough lecturers to both design and teach the module materials. I am therefore looking for those who have some interest in adding these new skills to their arsenal (and curriculum development to their performance reviews). Volunteers also get a cookie.

I suspect this upcoming section meeting will have a major influence on the success or failure of my reign as Section Head (I feel like David Moyes). It's important to get off on the right foot, to clarify everyone's expectations and allay any doubts. My job is not to impose a bunch of policies and order people around, it's to get all the talented individuals I have in my section working together so that the modules are taught in the best possible way. It's a cliche, but it really is all about teamwork. In the end, all the lecturers in ICT care deeply about the students, and we all share the common objective of giving the students the best education.

Now if I can only stop myself from abusing my position...

"Thou Shalt Attend All Staff Bonding Tabletop Game Sessions! So Sayeth Thy RO!"