Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Blogging blues

Boy, it's tough to maintain a blog regularly. It's been over two months and I haven't uploaded a new post (until now). This is despite the fact that it's term break, so I should theoretically have more time.

That's theoretically. In reality, I've got a bunch of projects, a module I've never taught before (User Interface Design) to prepare, a staff retreat in Malacca to organize and numerous other miscellaneous chores. There never seems to be an occasion where "make a blog post" is at the top of my to-do list. It's annoying how real life weighs me down and gets in the way of blogging.

You can't make a "blog" without a "log."
It also doesn't help that I've been trying to write my entries like a full-fledged article in the style of a site like, complete with pictures and humorous captions (well, I think they're humorous anyway). Writing these articles take up quite a bit of time, which is in short supply. Quite often I have something that I want to blog about, but I don't because I want sufficient time to do the article justice. I tell myself that I'll get around to it when things settle down...and then months pass and my intended article loses relevance.

So here's my new plan. I'm going to get over myself and just make blog posts whenever I have something to say. The posts don't have to be long pieces of literature, and it may not have a single picture or joke. It might be just a couple of paragraphs of boring text.

On the other hand, at least I'll get it out there.

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